Master Race Car


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[MRc] Radix P6 Join the server!

About us

What Master?

Master class members, servers, events, talent, knowledge, humor. You name it, we excel at it. Mandatory requirements from the very beginning have built a team with higher level of skill and dedication.

What Race?

Race for the win. As the lights turn green, we race hard till the finish line. Thanks to our broad roster and skillset, we fight at the top no matter the combo.

Race for the fun. This is what it all comes down to. The fun doesn't end at the race track, when pushing against your limits and other drivers.

Race for the continuity. Active racing for over a decade under the MRc tag. Our philosophy and decisions pursue the long game.

What Car?

No matter the car, we will push it to the limit and beyond. Besides of diverse simracing, we enjoy motorsports in general.

MRc in numbers

MRc has hosted atleast 10 LFS servers for over 10 years with minimum downtime. Over 50 000 users have visited Master Race car LFS servers.

Old forum had over 600 users and 20 000 posts. New forum is closing to 200 members. Tens of gifted licenses and other prizes.


Master Race car's official birth can be traced back to the old forum. It was created on 2/3/2009 by SaMiX. In just over two years the team had already grown past 50 members. MrSam passed the flag forward on 25/5/2017 when he quitted. Co-ownership between Bishtop and Simon1234 was formed. At the end of 2018, gemini 95 joined the ownership. Long time member Happyd was promoted to team owner on September 2022.

Over the years we have come to known for our classic LFS demo servers, weekly licensed events, giveaways, international team base and welcoming athmosphere.



Take part keeping the servers up and new events coming.

MRc Forum

Join the discussion, apply to our team or show of your photos/videos.


Join our discord to chat with experienced racers from all over the world!


Hate to play a dead server? At MRc we run many events with prizes!