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Really sad

Hello all,

I just finished looking at a replay. The infamous player from GD team GD-BAD, and I , were side to side on turn 1. I tried to give him space and we unfortunately touched. He continued, I didn't.
I saved the replay and I have it if needed.

Unfortunately, as I tried to explain that I looked at the replay and that we both touched by accident(I know he's a fast driver and that I am careful as well), he started to call me with insults demanding an apology. The evidence is the MRC server at the time of this post. ( approximately 23:16 or 5 min ago).

I did not retaliate to him calling me names with insults. Is he an admin? If so, is that what is expected of admins?
I am very confused and would like someone to look into this. I am available for any questions.

I hope this incident is addressed, as I have been racing on MRC servers for 6 plus years, it would be sad to see something this happens without any consequences.

Thank you all for the time to look into this.

F1DR (Daniel)

No he is not an admin btw, Admins will look into it

(11-11-2024, 11:34 PM)Yasso7up Wrote: No he is not an admin btw, Admins will look into it
Thank you Yasso7up, I am really and glad for you guys to look into it. 
I really appreciate it! :-)

I am not admin xd but ye it will help if you attach the replay

A replay file would be nice  1685985038

after reviewing the replay(s), here is my analysis.

you (f1dan) dive bomb t1 crashing dido right side of car (your comment of incident are not true)
on exit of t1 dido steers right clearly aiming to your left rear and does some name calling later on.
neither of you said sorry for the incidents.

each of you is receiving a 1 day ban. Icon_lol

(11-12-2024, 03:25 AM)Szczęśliwy Wrote: po przejrzeniu powtórek, oto moja analiza.

Ty (f1dan) nurkujesz z bombą T1, rozbijając Dido prawą stronę samochodu (Twoje komentarze dotyczące incydentu nie są prawdą),
po wyjściu z T1 Dido skręca w prawo, wyraźnie celując w Twój lewy tył, a później wyzywa Cię.
Żaden z Was nie przeprosił za incydenty.

Każdy z Was otrzyma 1-dniowy ban.Icon_lol


I fully accept responsibility for the ban that was imposed on me.
However, I personally do not think this ban is fair, but I understand that the Administrator, as the owner, has the right to act as he sees fit.

This ban does not affect my life in any way, especially since I only found out about it four days later.

The biggest disappointment here is the fact that my RT was 98.96. I doubt many people here have ever achieved such a result.

I received the ban because I called another player an idiot.
The word idiot originally had a medical meaning, describing a person with severe mental impairment. This is my assessment of the gentleman's behavior, which I expressed.

Dear Administrator,
I called an idiot an idiot – I genuinely don’t know what they teach in schools nowadays, but idiot was once a medical term. Today, in common usage, it refers to a fool.

How else should I describe an LFS player with six years of experience who behaved as seen in the replay?
This driver, after the incident, disconnected, watched the replay, returned to the game, and told me I should have been more careful in the first corner (or something like that – I don’t remember his exact words).
Then, he accused me of insulting him and said that up until then, we even liked or respected each other – again, I don’t recall the exact phrasing.

Once, the word "dwarf" was a normal term – today, it’s considered offensive and replaced with "person of short stature." However, we should call things by their proper name. If someone behaves like a severely mentally impaired person, we call them an idiot.

Dear Sir who filed the report against me – I have nothing personal against you, but don’t be surprised if, next time, behaving like a severely mentally impaired person leads someone to call you an idiot.
When someone sells their body, they’ve always been called a prostitute – yet today, this word is also considered offensive. But let’s call things by their proper name:
an imbecile remains an idiot, a prostitute – a whore, and so on.

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